Sunday, May 29, 2011

Veiled Doctrines

I have learned a lot in the last three and a half years. But it is time to move on to other things.

In the last couple of months I've been reading quite a bit of reasonable argument from several nontrinitarians especially Brendan Knudson. In fact the title of this post came from a discussion with Brendan.

Thanks, Brendan for calmly showing me why you believe as you do. It is good to clearly see where you, and others, are coming from. But I especially want to thank you for the idea of "veiled doctrine", it is much more elegant than my own "thin doctrine". It gives me the idea of a doctrine that God is covering because it is too holy for our limited, sin-affected minds at present.

Just doing these posts today also brought me back to Willie White. He didn't discuss the Godhead publicly, even at a time of controversy, even when he disagreed with the direction the church seemed to be taking.

This has challenged me. Do I really need to spend time studying this doctrine that God has veiled? Is it "necessary to be known"? Am I as tolerant of different opinions in the church as he was?

After coming to the conclusion that the answer to all those questions is "No", I've decided to follow Willie's lead. Like him, I will keep busy working on other things until "the revelation" about our uncertainties.

There is another, maybe even more unsettling, idea that comes from Willie's letter. It seems that his mother, Ellen White, saw no purpose in correcting her own family's, or anyone else's, opinions on the topic of Godhead even though her statements could be used to support either view. The Bible is similar so there has been divergence on this since Jesus ascended to heaven. It is almost as if God doesn't mind which way we believe.

In any case, I'm taking to heart Mrs White's example and not going to push my views on others beyond the two facts that Father and Son have "forms" and are separate individuals.

So that is it... until the revelation.

In the meantime, any readers of this blog (of any persuasion) are welcome to come to Toronto church or follow what I'm doing on my NCD blog or at Traditional Hydrotherapy.

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