Sunday, July 24, 2016

111. Enduring Riches

Today’s reading: “The Ministry of Healing” pp. 213, 214.
That which will reach them effectually is a consistent, unselfish presentation of the gospel of Christ. Today we find out why “temperance” and “stewardship” are the central pillars of ministry to the rich. Today the emphasis is on “temperance”.

Key Words

  • Needs
  • (Temperance) even though it is not mentioned.
First, you won’t get anything out of this unless you have read yesterday’s post. Check the sequence for medical missionary work; i.e. start with the instructing and healing the tempted, the intemperate, unemployed, homeless and the poor, then minister to the rich.
Second, realise that most of our society, most of our neighbours, are in the class of being “rich”.
Temperance is self-control. People without self-control don’t become rich, at least not for long. So the rich have got most areas of their life well under control. Or so some of them think.
So what is their need? To learn the “joy of giving”.

How not to reach the rich

  • Get to know them accidentally, casually
  • Expensive, logic-based programmes
  • Ask for money

How to reach the rich with temperance

  • Deliberate, business-like, personal meetings with them where we,
  • Show them the the results of harmful indulgences on body mind and soul (p. 211),
  • Present the gospel in a simple, consistent, unselfish manner, through stories of our work for the needy,
  • Present Christ as the Saviour of sinners, through stories of our work for the needy,
  • Emphasise how they can feel the joy of giving, i.e.
  • Ask them to be temperate
  • Ask them for the money they would otherwise spend on things that destroy their own heal, their peace of mind or their character. (To do this would require self-control)
  • Follow-up and show them (“consistent gospel” means we follow-up) where we spent their money.
Remember “To such an appeal not many would refuse to listen.” p. 211.
Tomorrow we will look at idea of “stewardship” in ministry to the rich.

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