Sunday, May 29, 2011

H.W. Carr's Letter to W.C. White

Union Springs, N. Y.


Jan.24 1935

Eld. W. C. White
St. Helena, Calif.

Dear Elder White

Your recent reminder of the efficient provision for carrying forward Sr. Whites work, and the gems of thought which accompanied your announcement is very much appreciated, "She being dead yet speaketh". God has lead this people on, and is still leading, through his chosen servant, for which we praise Him.

In the first pages of Great Controversy it is stated that the "Father had an associate -- a co worker... The only being that could enter into all the councils and purposes of God. "The Father wrought by His son in the creation of all heavenly beings... "He holds supremacy over them all. "Sin originated with Satan, who next to Christ had been most honoured of God, and was highest in power and Glory among the inhabitants of heaven. "Next to Christ he was first among the hosts of God. The Son of God had wrought the Father's will in the creation of all the hosts of heaven. "The Son of God was exalted above Satan as one in power and authority with the Father. Christ created Satan. Ezekiel 28:15.

It is urged by some of our leaders now that The Holy Spirit is a third person of the same nature of the Father and son, a member of the heavenly trio, cooperative in creation and personally active with the Father and son. For many years I have used these statements Of (sic) Sr. White in combating false teachings relative to defining the Holy Spirit.

Will you kindly tell me what you understand was your mother's position in refference (sic) to the personality of the Holy Spirit.

Does Sister White's writings any where teach that prayer should only be addressed to the Father, or that we should not address Christ in prayer, only through the Father?

Does she anywhere tell what that power is that "shall plant the tabernacle of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain? Daniel 11:45

I know Brother White you would not depart from your mother's teachings, and that you have as perfect an understanding of them as any one. I shall appreciate your opinion very much.

Assuring you of the high esteem and respect I have had from my childhood in your father, mother and family,

I am very truly yours in the blessed faith,

H. W. Carr

This is 1935, so the trinity issue had been bubbling away for some years and the 1931 Yearbook states that "Trinity" was one of our beliefs.

H.W Carr's problem is that some church leaders are arguing that the Holy Spirit is:
  1. a third Person of the same nature as Father and Son
  2. a member of the heavenly trio
  3. cooperative in creation
  4. personally active with the Father and Son.

H.W. Carr uses the same line of argument that modern antitrinitarians do, to disprove/correct the "personality" of the Holy Spirit. See The Godhead in Black and White"

His most pertinent question is:
"Will you kindly tell me what you understand was your mother's position in reference to the personality of the Holy Spirit."

Carr asks because he believes Willie "would not depart from (his) mother's teachings, and that (he would) have as perfect an understanding of them as any one."

The next post will be Willie's reply.

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