Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Candid Hearing

Geoff sent some comments on James White and the Church, that were far too good to be stuck down at the end of the post so I will put them here with my comments afterwards.

Geoff said:

I think we need to get some perspective on the matter.

"Those who have not been in the habit of searching the Bible for themselves, or weighing evidence, have confidence in the leading men, and accept the decisions they make, and thus many will reject the very messages God sends to his people, if these leading brethren do not accept them. {GW92 126.4}

No one should claim that he has all the light there is for God's people. The Lord will not tolerate this. He has said, “I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it.” [Revelation 3:8.] Even if all our leading men should refuse light and truth, that door will still remain open. The Lord will raise up men who will give the people the message for this time." {GW92 126.5}

Speaking of James White, she says, "His work will go forward. Simple instruments God will choose to carry forward this great work; BUT THEY ONLY CARRY OUT THE MIND AND WILL OF THE GREAT MASTER AT THE HEAD OF THE WORK." Pamphlets to J.N. Andrews 1860.

How could he then be teaching error?

Don't fall into the trap.
" Truth is eternal, and conflict with error will only make manifest its strength. We should never refuse to examine the Scriptures with those who, we have reason to believe, desire to know what is truth. Suppose a brother held a view that differed from yours, and he should come to you, proposing that you sit down with him and make an investigation of that point in the Scriptures; should you rise up, filled with prejudice, and condemn his ideas, while refusing to give him a candid hearing? The only right way would be to sit down as Christians, and investigate the position presented, in the light of God's work, which will reveal truth and unmask error. To ridicule his ideas would not weaken his position in the least if it were false, or strengthen your position if it were true. If the pillars of our faith will not stand the test of investigation, it is time that we knew it. There must be no spirit of Phariseeism cherished among us." {GW92 127.1}

Wasn't the spirit of pharasaism,"You must not question our judgement."

Aren't these just great quotes! Thanks Geoff

"Weighing Evidence", I really loved that idea and it has inspired me to go through the booklet "The Godhead in Black & White" and if I survive that "Putting the Pieces Together". Both booklets Geoff has given me, largely consisting of Ellen White quotes. We will weigh the evidence and make up our own minds.

I have talked about the how James could "be teaching error" in my posts at James White and the Church

I am really endeavouring to "sit down with" Geoff "and make an investigation" of his views, giving him "a candid hearing".

While I don't agree that the topics we discuss here are "pillars of our faith", I do think we should investigate them ourselves to "reveal truth and unmask error" with the help of the Spirit of Prophecy.

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