Tuesday, September 28, 2010

James White and the church

Geoff sent me some more quotes, probably the last, regarding James White before we summarise:
When God has spoken, my husband has hearkened to his voice.. 3 Testimonies 509
My husband's ready judgement and clear discernment, which have been gained through training and exercise, have led him to take on many burdens which others should have borne. 3 Testimonies 497.
These quotes come from James' wife, Ellen, in a seventeen page section entitled "Leadership". Once again Geoff, thank you for leading me to this wonderful article, my copy is now heavily underlined.

The article deals with church worker's attitudes toward church leadership. Some were too independent, not heeding leadership. Others were not independent enough, relying on church leadership to make all their decisions for them. This leadership included James White, which is why she made the second quote above about people putting burdens on him that they should have carried themselves.

There are many references to James and the unappreciated burdens he bore. One I particularly liked was:
God has permitted the precious light of truth to shine upon His word and illuminate the mind of my husband... 3 Testimonies 502
She went on that James should have reflected this light by preaching and writing but he was kept too busy doing church church business that others could have done. At the end of the page (502, 503):
The wide contrast between themselves and him seemed like a gulf; but might easily have been bridged, had these men of intellect put their undivided interests and whole hearts into the work of building up and advancing the precious cause of God.
It is clear that the same "ready judgement and clear discernment" that James exhibited, could have been gained by his fellow workers if they were willing to exercise their talents. We may also, "through training and exercise", gain these same characteristics.

The chapter ends (p508, 509) with a comments that James was often misunderstood by his co-workers:
I was shown that my husband's course has not been perfect. He has erred sometimes in murmuring and in giving too severe reproof. But from what I have seen, he has not been so greatly at fault in this respect as many have supposed and as I have sometimes feared. Job was not understood by his friends...
... His motives are misunderstood and his actions misconstrued by those who would be his friends, until like Job, he sends forth the earnest prayer: Save me from my friends...
When God has spoken, my husband has hearkened to His voice; but to bear the condemnation and reflection of his friends who do not seem to discriminate has been a great trial... (they torture) his feelings by reflections and censures which he in no way deserves.

While I appreciated the chapter, I can see no relationship between it and the topic of the Godhead. I think Geoff infers that God spoke to James on the Godhead and that James clearly discerned the correct picture of the Godhead. The quote I gave from page 502 says God permitted truth to illuminate the James' mind. We could infer that this includes Godhead BUT it is only inference. In the context, Mrs White doesn't even hint at what these truths are.

So I don't find it adds any significant weight to Geoff's argument. In fact, in context, it presents some real difficulties for the present-day antitrinitarians. Their attitude to church leadership is directly challenged by the chapter's second paragraph on page 492:
I have been shown that no man's judgement should be surrendered to the judgement of any one man. But when the judgement of the General Conference, which is the highest authority that God has upon the earth, is exercised, private independence and private judgement must not be maintained, but be surrendered. Your error was in persistently maintaining your private judgement of your duty against the voice of the highest authority the Lord has upon earth...You did not seem to have a true sense of the power that God has given to His church in the voice of the General Conference...You accordingly manifested an independence, a set, willful spirit, which was all wrong.

So Geoff, and your friends, I encourage you to heed the voice of the prophet and the voice of the General Conference, cease your wilfulness and put your "undivided interests and whole hearts into the work of building up and advancing the precious cause of God".


Bruce Thompson said...

James White worked hard and long to build up the church, despite the uncaring attitudes of fellow church leaders and their undeserved condemnation.

He was blessed by God as he did this, and grew in judgement and relationship with God. And so may we as we engage in the same work.

geoff said...

I think we need to get some perspective on the matter.
"Those who have not been in the habit of searching the Bible for themselves, or weighing evidence, have confidence in the leading men, and accept the decisions they make, and thus many will reject the very messages God sends to his people, if these leading brethren do not accept them. {GW92 126.4}
No one should claim that he has all the light there is for God's people. The Lord will not tolerate this. He has said, “I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it.” [Revelation 3:8.] Even if all our leading men should refuse light and truth, that door will still remain open. The Lord will raise up men who will give the people the message for this time." {GW92 126.5}
Speaking of James White, she says, "His work will go forward. Simple instruments God will choose to carry forward this great work; BUT THEY ONLY CARRY OUT THE MIND AND WILL OF THE GREAT MASTER AT THE HEAD OF THE WORK." Pamphlets to J.N. Andrews 1860. How could he then be teaching error?

Bruce Thompson said...

James White was indeed a great man and wouldn't it be great to have more like him in the church. I would love to carry out the mind and will of God too.

You ask, How could he be teaching error?

Simple, Geoff, none of us know absolutely everything, even me!! (joking - especially me would be more appropriate.)

From what we have seen though, the only "error" James has is that he maintains that Jesus is a literal Son of God.

He mentions it only two or three times and then in passing, so I wouldn't even say he taught it.

So, he has, in my opinion a minor error which he did not teach.