Saturday, June 26, 2010

James and the Parable

Geoff sent me the following in an email. It is a quote from Adrian Eben's "No Other Foundation" which in turn quotes from James White's "The Parable".

Quote from No Other Foundation by Adrian Ebens:

Notice carefully the observations of James White
Our position is, that a change has taken place in the position and work of our literal High Priest in the literal Sanctuary in heaven, which is to be compared to the coming of the bridegroom in the marriage. This view is a perfect safeguard against spiritualism. We not only believe in a literal Jesus, who is a "Minister of the Sanctuary," but we also believe that the Sanctuary is literal. ‐ And more, when John says that he saw "one like the Son of man" "in the midst of the seven candlesticks," that is, in the Holy Place, we know not how to make the candlestick spiritual, and the Son of man literal. We therefore believe that both are literal, and that John saw Jesus while a "Minister" in the Holy Place. John also had a view of another part of the Sanctuary, which view applies to the time of the sounding of the seventh angel.

...The Most Holy, containing the Ark of the ten commandments, was then opened for our Great High Priest to enter to make atonement for the cleansing of the Sanctuary. If we take the liberty to say there is not a literal Ark, containing the ten commandments in heaven, we may go only a step further and deny the literal City, and the literal Son of God. Certainly, Adventists should not choose the spiritual view, rather than the one we have presented. We see no middle ground to be taken. - The Parable Page 16

As I read the above statement, I am forced to stop and weep for joy. WHAT A GIFT God has given us in the person of James White and this statement! When I get to heaven I am going to grab this man and hug him and hold him tight and greet him with a holy kiss.

Here is the secret to our entry into the Most Holy Place. It is based on an identification of Jesus as the literal Son of God. Read it again carefully we know not how to make the candlestick spiritual, and the Son of man literal. We therefore believe that both are literal, and that John saw Jesus while a "Minister" in the Holy Place.

Our pioneers measured the temple of God and found the WAY into the Most Holy. Let us remember that a measuring of the Sanctuary is a measuring of the person of Christ.

Psa 77:13 Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary: who is so great a God as our God?

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

End of quote

Thanks for this Geoff (and Adrian) I will post about this, again.

For some more information, from Adrian's home page, download the excellent "Comparison Chart", under point 6.

1 comment:

Bruce Thompson said...

Geoff - "How we can infer from that, that he (James White) does not believe in a literal Son of God, but only in a literal person who is called a Son is beyond me."

Bruce - We know from other places that James White believed Jesus to be both a literal Person and literal Son. It is me who believes only the former.

However in this statement, James is talking about seven things as being literal, always meaning physical as opposed to "spiritual". Remember it is "spiritualism" he is arguing against here, he is NOT talking about the " literal Sonship of Jesus" (to quote Adrian)

That James mentions "our literal High Priest" "the Son of man" and "a literal Jesus, who is a "Minister of the Sanctuary" would seem to indicate that his main purpose is to show that this is a "real literal Person".

All the other things mentioned, the City, the Ark, the Sanctuary, the candlesticks all fit as being physically literal. In none of these cases is James talking about their origins.

So the context indicates that James is NOT talking about "Sonship". But on the other hand we can infer that he is because we know that he believes in Sonship.

Geoff, the fact that it "is beyond" you to see this as an inference, indicates the power of backfire and selective inattention.