Monday, May 25, 2009

what happened to my last post?

I am just wondering what happened to my last post, as I cannot see it anywhere?

Considering that "all our writers to a man, were anti-trinitarian" in that era, I am wondering why you are so keen to have their writings re-published? I note the prophet did not call for any
corrections to be made. But they were affirmed as the truth we need for this time.
Still, I am glad you would welcome the reprinting of their writings. It would certainly put to rest
recent myths promoted in the Record, which I have been sickened to see people accepting as
gospel truth.

1 comment:

Bruce Thompson said...

Geoff, I was actually being quite cheeky...
Ostensibly the reason I want them re-published is because Mrs White asked us to, and promised "If you do the work God has given you, you will have a message to bear, and you will understand what is meant by the sanctification of the Spirit."

Both good things!

But the real reasons are:
1. "Do the work God has given you. You will find so much to do that you will have no inclination to criticize some one else. Use the talent of speech to help and bless."
from the first half of that paragraph.

2. I doubt that you would find even one small booklet of articles that were specifically 'anti-trinitarian'ie. the major part of the article was to tear down the Trinity doctrine.

So I was hoping you might become less critical (as you are of the recent, and in my opinion, excellent, articles in Record) and would see that this 'anti-trinitarian' side of our early writers was not one they held prominent, but just another of the rumbling side-issues of any organisation.

Regarding the Record articles can you please be specific as to the what in particular are the 'myths' and 're-writing of history'. I would be very interested in commenting on such a post.