Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sanctuary, sanctuary...

Geoff asked why I insisted that the Godhead question be tied to the sanctuary doctrine. The reason is the quote that leads my post True Knowledge of God

..remove the pillars of our faith concerning the sanctuary OR concerning the personality of God or of Christ."
The context is firmly "The Sanctuary" (title of the article) and is largely against Ballanger's attack on the sanctuary. The reason I want 'correlate' the two is that this is the only place I have seen where the Godhead is part of the 'pillars'. So the 'personality' of God and Christ are important present-truth as they relate to the sanctuary.

Geoff comments:
I notice that Waggoner felt that those views destroyed the atonement. It is an area that I have not explored.

That is interesting. (I'm thinking out loud) The atonement... The purpose of the sanctuary was so that God can safely dwell with His people (atonement). The priests and Christ as priest stand between us and the destroying fire or holiness of God. So Christ must be another individual for this to work. "As a personal Saviour He intercedes in the heavenly courts" Ministry of Healing 418.1. The whole system falls if He is not 'personal'.

Christ had to be 'a personal Saviour' to die for us too, He was personal as a human of course, but did He have to have separate divinity to His Father to die for us?

Most Christians, I'm surprised to learn, don't have, or at least haven't thought through, this 'personal' aspect to their religion. I think this message of a 'personal Saviour' makes atonement and the judgement and the sanctuary vivid and full of life. Thanks for leading me to this Geoff.

Geoff then talked about the love of God. I replied:
Thanks for the sharing, Geoff. Yes, of course, you reminded me of the most basic principle of them being separate! If they are sort of "one being" then ANY relationship is simply self love. Love is only possible between individuals in a relationship. So the Father and Christ being separate makes relationship possible. Great!

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