Saturday, July 5, 2008

Jesus has form

In looking at "The Godhead in Black and White" I found some neglected truths. Truths you must never give up or compromise, Geoff. These are things the church needs to hear. They are certainly things I needed reminding of, and to appreciate again or for the first time. Thank you!

The first truth:

Jesus has a form and is a person.

... I have often seen the lovely Jesus, that he is a person. I asked him if his Father was a person, and had a form like himself. Said Jesus. "I am in the express image of my Father's Person.

I have often seen that the spiritual view took away all the glory of heaven, and that in many minds the throne of David, and the lovely person of Jesus had been burned up in the fire of spiritualism. I have seen that some, who have been deceived, and led into this error, would be brought out into the light of truth, but it would be almost impossible for them to get entirely rid of the deceptive power of spiritualism. Such should make thorough work in confessing their errors, and leaving them forever. {Experience and Views p64 para1,2}

This is wonderful in that we can relate to Jesus personally, so we aren't relating to some vague thing as the 'spiritualisers' propose. We have 'the lovely person of Jesus' on the throne of David.

He was in in the express image of the Father, not in features alone, but in perfection of character.

We have an actual Person, not made in human image but who is the express image of His Father.

Websters 1828 defines 'express' (adjective) as: Plain; clear; expressed; direct not ambiguous.
1. Given in direct terms; not implied or left to inference. This is the express covenant or agreement. We have his express consent. We have an express law on the subject. Express warranty; express malice.
2. Copied; resembling; bearing an exact representation.

So Jesus is a plain, clear, unambiguous, exact representation of the Father. And in two ways:
Physical: in form and features.
Character: perfection of character.

When Jesus said He who has seen Me has seen the Father, He means that they are alike in character. This is great news. They are both loving and gracious, merciful and longsuffering. They are also alike in form and feature but separate persons.

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