Thursday, June 19, 2008

How to Make a Comment

Comments on this blog are moderated. This means that they will have to be approved by us before the comment appears. If you want to see your comment, please follow these steps:

At the bottom of each post is the highlighted word 'COMMENTS'. Click on this and see the comments already made and type in your own. If you come up as anonymous, please type in your name or a nickname so we can have a sensible conversation.

Writing a comment.
Keep it short. Two or three sentences at most.
Keep it simple, state your case simply and stay on topic.
Keep it clear, try not to be cryptic.
Keep it good-natured, we are in this together.
Use snippets and give the source of quotes, not the whole quote.
No denigrating or unedifying comments. We are searching for truth, not trying to win an election!

Thank you for following these rules.

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